

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Traditionally kept by kings, the Spike's fiery individualistic spirit makes it a challenge for any tamer...
Location : Cydonia Castle,rarity:legendary


Rarity : Legendary A rare hybrid, Diabao combines the splendor of a light imp with
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the devillesh atitude of a dark imp.

Location : Citedel Entrance, Lobster Tornado, Ahab's Abyss
Zodiac : Gemini
Rarity : Legendary


Prophecies tell us that one day, the Burgers' endless mouths will yawn open to consume us all. Location : Citedel Entrance, Puelbonia City and Ahab's Abyss
Zodiac : Taurus
Rarity : Legendary
Azurel is a dangerous creature, to be sure, but capturing one is seen
as a sign of very good things to come!
Location : Dungeness Docks ( Only if the Dungeness Showdown

Quest is active )
Zodiac : Cancer
Rarity : Legendary
Tama's cuteness hides a deadly secret: beneath its outer coat of 'fur lies an even cuter layer of wooly underpelt. Well ,maybe not '"'deadly"...
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Location : Titan's Staircase, Electrotter Sound and Fingerland Point
Zodiac : Virgo
Rarity : Legendary

Waidios are as cute as innocent as they look, dreaming one day when mogas will fight no more forever.
Location : Currently not available
Zodiac : Libra
Rarity : Legendary
Plasmians are graceful creatures and not by nature violent. They are extremely long-lived and loyal.
Location : Greensteps, Lapis Forest, Lazuli's Grove, Cerulean Pond
Zodiac : Capricon
Rarity : Legendary
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