Prophecies tell us that one day, the Burgers' endless mouths will yawn open to consume us all.
Location : Citedel Entrance, Puelbonia City and Ahab's Abyss
Zodiac : Taurus
Rarity : Legendary
Azurel is a dangerous creature, to be sure, but capturing one is seen
as a sign of very good things to come!
Location : Dungeness Docks ( Only if the Dungeness Showdown
Quest is active )
Zodiac : Cancer
Rarity : Legendary Tama's cuteness hides a deadly secret: beneath its outer coat of 'fur lies an even cuter layer of wooly underpelt. Well ,maybe not '"'deadly"...
Location : Titan's Staircase, Electrotter Sound and Fingerland Point
Zodiac : Virgo
Rarity : Legendary
Waidios are as cute as innocent as they look, dreaming one day when mogas will fight no more forever.
Location : Currently not available
Zodiac : Libra
Rarity : Legendary Plasmians are graceful creatures and not by nature violent. They are extremely long-lived and loyal.
Location : Greensteps, Lapis Forest, Lazuli's Grove, Cerulean Pond
Zodiac : Capricon
Rarity : Legendary
Here is a list of Monster Galaxy Legendary Mogas with their stats and
information. Refer here for your Legendary or Beyond Epic Moga
collections. Legendary Mogas are the hardest ones to catch because of
their maximum capture rate of 4%. It is still very possible! Good luck
and may luck be kind.
- 15 Physical Attacks, 5 Zodiac Attacks and 5 Special Attacks available.
- Balanced - balanced HP and attack.
- 15 Physical Attacks, 10 Zodiac Attacks and 5 Special Attacks available.
- Tank - more HP but less attack.
- 15 Physical Attacks, 15 Zodiac Attacks and 5 Special Attacks available.
Moga: Spike Zodiac: Aries Class: Striker Special Attack: (Cast on Enemy)
- Life Tap - Chance to recover HP upon successful attack.
- HP recovered = Total damage dealt to the enemy that turn. Random Zodiac Ability: (Cast on Self)
- Strength - Increases Physical Attack. Moga Location: Sunshire Map - Cydonia Castle.
Moga: Burger Zodiac: Taurus Class: Tank
Special Attack: (Cast on Enemy)
- Disease - Chance to inflict damage to the enemy every turn.
Random Zodiac Ability: (Cast on Enemy)
- Vampire Embrace - Recover HP upon successful attack.
- HP recovered = Half of the damage dealt that turn.
Moga Locations: Pueblonia Map - Citadel Entrance, Evergreen Teracces, Great Bazaar, Super Bazaar, Parapets of Dawn, and Ahab's Abyss.
Moga: Diabao Zodiac: Gemini
Class: Striker
Special Attack: (Cast on Enemy)
- Poison - Inflict damage to the enemy every turn.
- Disease - Chance to inflict damage to the enemy every turn.
Random Zodiac Ability:
- Zodiac Armor - Increases Defense against Zodiac Attacks.
Moga Location: Limited Time Cash only Moga.
Moga: Black Gold Zodiac: Saggitarius
Class: Striker
Special Attack: (Cast on Enemy)
- Vampire Embrace - Recover HP upon successful attack.
- HP recovered = Half of the damage dealt that turn.
Random Zodiac Ability: (Cast on Enemy)
- Confuse - Chance your enemy will skip a turn.
Moga Location: Lobster Tornado (Nova's Quest).
Moga: Hanzo Zodiac: Saggitarius
Class: Striker
Special Attack:
- ???
Random Zodiac Ability:
- ???
Moga Location: Coming Soon!
Moga: Hanzo Zodiac: Capricorn
Class: Tank
Special Attack: (Cast on Self)
- Regeneration - Recover HP every turn.
Random Zodiac Ability: (Cast on Enemy)
- Confuse - Chance your enemy will skip a turn.
Moga Locations: Pueblonia
Map - Greensteps, Lapis Forest, Adventure Island, Lazuli Grove,
Cerulean Pond, Old Dusty Trail, Mussel Shoals, Jade Copse and Green
Moga: Peepee Zodiac: Aquarius
Class: Striker
Special Attack: (Cast on Enemy)
- Disease - Chance to inflict damage to the enemy every turn.
Random Zodiac Ability: (Cast on Self)
- Zodiac Strength - Increases Zodiac Attacks.
Moga Locations: Pueblonia Map - Citadel Entrance, Reeking Flats, Marshamarsha Marsh, Saltspawn Pool, Ahab's Abyss and Rankwallow.
Moga: Momo Zodiac: Pisces
Class: ???
Special Attack:
- ???
Random Zodiac Ability:
- ???
Moga Location: Coming Soon!
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
quest and reward 1. Lambo/Heart - 1 SS 2. Dinho - 1 BC 3. Wasabee - 1 SS 4. Chuuchilla - 5 Whistles 5. Munninn - 1 SS 6. Alyx - 1 BC 7. Nar - 1 SS 8. Colibri - 5 Whistles 9. A.C. - 1 SS 10. Trolo - 1 BC 11. Peascorp - 1 SS 12. Owlreed - 5 Whistles 13. Munyu - 1 SS 14. Meh - 1 BC 15. Leif - 1 SS 16. Mimple - 5 Whistles 17. Messi - 1 SS 18. Siri - 1 BC 19. Barnetta - 1 SS 20. Nomy - 5 Whistles 21. Starpops - 1 SS 22. Melodee - 1 BC 23. Crabao - 1 SS 24. Weeplet - 5 Whistles 25. Anee - 1 SS 26. Boogaleef - 1 BC 27. Leviathan - 1 SS 28. Staryak - 5 Whistles 29. Booly - 1 SS 30. Pudgy - 1 BC 31. Smok - 1 SS 32. Peafyx - 5 Whistles 33. Turtelenie - 1 SS 34. Yara - 1 BC 35. Twister - 1 SS 36. Eefree - 5 Whistles 37. Vuvu - 1 SS 38. Zomoo - 1 BC 39. Hakka - 1 SS 40. Yugure - 5 Whistles 41. Willo - 1 SS 42. Jor - 1 BC 43. Cathulu - 1 SS 44. Electrotter - 5 Whistles 45. Woolf - 1 SS 46. Marcuu - 1 BC 47. Chanho - 1 SS 48. Zeppelin - 5 Whistles 49. Lira - 1 SS 50. Blix - 1 BC 51. Weero - 1 SS 52. Unitaur - 5 Whistles 53. Ikki - 1 SS 54. Cactoo - 1 BC 55. Mars - 1 SS 56. Jag - 5 Whistles 57. Pengoo - 1 SS 58. Syrene - 1 BC 59. Roarstache - 1 SS 60. Crabone - 5 Whistles 61. Buffant - 1 SS 62. Knightaur - 1 BC 63. Radiojack - 1 SS 64. Nightmare - 5 Ehistles 65. Titus - 1 SS 66. Alejandro - 1 BC 67. Sweetish - 1 SS 68. Orbz - 5 Whistles 69. Tiano - 1 SS 70. Skuzy - 1 BC 71. Umbranine - 1 SS 72. Zeit - 5 Whistles 73. Tippy - 1 SS 74. Tauron - 1 BC 75. Black Gold - 1 SS
this hint to find moga rare,super-rare,epic and legendary in peublonia. rare is:chanho:electrotter sound,fingerland point,alejandro:rude dunes,sandtown,tippy:greens steps, super-rare is:unitaur:portal 'o' ruins to biting coast,zeppelin:titans staircase and ellectrotter sound,fingerland point, sweetish:peublonia city gates to great bazaar,icevia:rude dunes,syrene:swirly dump to ahabs abyss epic is:coyotl,citadel entrance,rogues rendevzous to sandtown,ahabs abyss,zeit:swirly dump marshamarsha mars,saltpawanpool,orbz:super bazaar to royal battledome,swirly dump to saltpawnpool,lumo:lapis forest to green mile,tiano:rogues rendevzous to sandtown,cactoo:portal 'o' ruins to biting coast,pluksop:portal 'o'ruins to biting coast,shen (quest) rankwallow legendary is:tama:titans stair case to cape fang,peepee:otterdam,citadel entrance,saltpawn pool,ahabs abyss,rankwallow,diabao:citadel entrance,lobster tornado,ahabs abyss,burger:peublonia city gates to super bazaar,citadel entrance,ahabs abyss,leon:ahabs abyss,lapis forest to green mile,plasmian:lapis forest to green mile
i want give u a hint to find moga's rare super-rare,epic and sunhire
rare is tenpac:mega hole,spiral cave,hakka:heavenlygreens cametery,the rue morgue,thornwood,electrotter:madbeetch river,nomy:windhym folwer path and windhym gardens
super-rare is pudgy:oakford shade and spiral road,messi&staryak:spiral road,spiral patch,northside,melodee like nomy,teef:madbeetch rapids,yara:sandwirl beach to shelltone lighthouse,woolf in spiral cave(quest),heavenly greens gate.
epic is winja:thornwood (quest),heavenly greens cemetery,the rue morgue and quest location
legendary is spike:cydonia castle
Senin, 16 Mei 2011
1. is pigloo . pigloo u can found it in the lobster tornado or your first moga
2. is leviathan u can found leviathan at sandwirl beach and madbeetch rapids mimple she like jumping sheep is common u can found mimple at northside,trollworthy bridge
4. Nova is a king or master moga she always gave u a quest first she always give black gold quest... .
1 titus like leon u can found titus in rogues rendevzous to sandtown is 39%
2 peafyx is common u can found peaftx at darkwood is common
1 skuzy is like ablack mouse she have a shrimp in her head she uncommon 39%
2 zoomoo is like horse u can found zoomoo in the heavenly grens steps,the rue morgue,cydonia castle,heavenly greens cemetery, and thorn wood
3cathulu u can found cathulu at madbeetch river and madbeetch rapids.
4 faust is quest is quest when mother day (skylar late mother's day!)
5 eefree he can found at sandwirl bushfall and sandwirl shrubwalk
6 orbz is a amazing moga he have regrowth u can found it in super bazaar,to royal battledome,swirly dump to rankwallow
7 umbranine u can found it in swirly dump and saltpawn pool
8 winja is epic u can found it in the heavenly greens cemetery,the rue morgue and quest location is thorn wood (quest location!)
burger is a food yummy.... huhf'' i want it but miss burger is legendary rate is 4% lol yummy... huh' stop it!
this is all legendary moga's is 4% spike,burger,diabao,azurel,leon,tama,waidio,weatar,hanzo,plasmian,peepee,momo and the king is black gold
alyx is begginer moga is leo like bunny and have crystal is ALYXXXXXX
yugure is a blua moga he like blue u can found yugure in the thornwood is uncommon 39%
melodee like to love she is virgo he like love and pink color's she have golden ring to promise and all say it promise ring
azurel is quest u can found it in the dugeness dock i capture azurel with 2 ss fantastic!
peepee is a legendary moga i'am see peepee like a blueberry jelly lol.
is starseed starseed to capture moga u can get starseed every 8 hours or friend's gift u starseed in your basket if u lucky u can capture moga with one or two starseed
the mogas have type like this: TRAINING MOGA'S: lambo dinho and other moga is 95-100% BEGGINER MOGA'S:alyx,vuvu and other moga is 90-95% COMMON MOGA'S:trolo,blix and other moga's is 59-79% UNCOMMON MOGA'S:jor,eefree and other moga's is 30-39% RARE MOGA'S:chanho,nomy and other moga's is 25-29% SUPER - RARE MOGA'S:sweetish,teef,melodee and other moga's is 16-19% EPIC:lumo,lainedeer,winja and other moga's is 7-9% LEGENDARY MOGA'S:tama,leon,plasmian and other moga's is 3-4% this the % of all moga's